Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 11am-5pm

Watson Road

Observatory Hill (The Rocks)

Getting Here

Getting Here

Walking directions

From Circular Quay
Walk to George Street, The Rocks. Turn left into Argyle Street and walk under the famous Argyle Cut to climb the stairs opposite the Garrison Church. Turn left at the top of the stairs and follow Watson Road past the Sydney Observatory to the National Trust Centre.

From Wynyard and the city
At No. 1 York Street walk through the expressway underpass. Follow the tunnel, keeping to the right, until you come up on Kent Street.

When on Kent Street follow the approach to the Bridge, which will take you past the National Trust Centre on your left.

PLEASE NOTE: the AGAR STEPS on Kent Street are currently CLOSED for repair.

Driving directions

Drive down Kent Street, right into Argyle Street, right again into Watson Road and follow it around past the Sydney Observatory to the National Trust Centre. Free Parking is available on site.

Public Transport directions

Bus: Route 311 from Railway Square (via Elizabeth Bay) terminates at Argyle Street. Walk up Watson Road, Observatory Hill and follow the signs.

Routes 324 and 325 terminate in Hickson Road, Walsh Bay. Walk up the Hickson stairs or Windmill steps to Kent Street.

311 timetable here

324 and 325 timetable here

Train: to Wynyard or Circular Quay and proceed as above.

Ferry: to Circular Quay and proceed as above.

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